In our holiday home offer you will find next to villas and apartments also a large number of trulli. Surely you were wondering what is such a trullo?

The trullo is a kind of conical construction of traditional dry stone wall, that means without mortar and cement, with a conical roof. The roofs of trulli often carry mythological or religious markings in white ash, the purpose of which is to ward off evil influences or misfortunes.

The trulli can be found mainly in Central-South Apulia, in the area of ​​the Itria Valley. The trulli were generally built as temporary lodgings in the countryside or as permanent lodgings for farmers. A large part of the city of Alberobello and until the 50s also the town of Villa Castelli consist of these trulli.

These trulli were created in the time of the Count of Conversano. Since the Kingdom of Naples levied taxes for the creation of new settlements, the Count of Conversano allowed only the buildings in dry stone construction, which could be removed and rebuilt at any time and therefore were not considered permanent residences and were tax-free.

It is said that in 1644 the Duke of Martina Franca accused the Count of Conversano of enlarging the settlement without the permission of the king. To circumvent a punishment, the Count had the buildings demolished overnight and the stones on the lands were divided so that the inspector of the king noticed nothing of the buildings. After the departure of the inspector, the houses were rebuilt immediately.

The trullo is an enhancement of the prehistoric model of Thólos, which is found in various regions of Italy and the Mediterranean. The name Trullo may come from the Latin Turris or Trulla or from the Greek Tholos. In Salento, one of the trulli-like construction is called Pajara. While the trulli are equipped with windows and can be rather luxurious and large, the traditional pajare are characterized by a small and spartan dwelling unit with no windows and no frills.

Today, the remaining Trulli and Pajare are renovated and often offered as a holiday home, even with a pool. A stay between this thick dry stone wall under a conical roof is really something very special and definitely recommendable.

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